Day 3 of 68W Boot Camp

The last day of the 68W Boot Camp. Senior medics and/or providers may use this as a template to conduct internal training. Feel free to use these products and adapt, as necessary, to your unit’s specific needs. 0900: Environmental Injuries Heat Forum Slides from MCOE (edited for length) 4th RTB Heat Training Video Mild vs.Continue reading “Day 3 of 68W Boot Camp”

5 Things Medics Wish Every Soldier Knew

This post is all about a video. I created this video to be shown to the Soldiers in my unit when they are waiting in line – something we do a lot in the Army. This is true hip pocket training! Just about every Soldier has a Smart phone. So, why not send training contentContinue reading “5 Things Medics Wish Every Soldier Knew”

Ortho Hand Exam

Hand injuries are the most common type of injury treated in an emergency department, and make up more than 12% of all trauma cases in the US (Maroukis et al). Having a good understanding of the anatomy and key landmarks is paramount for a medic, or any other medical provider, responsible for providing emergency care.Continue reading “Ortho Hand Exam”


Follow Next Level Medic Facebook Page This is a broad topic, but a very common complaint from Soldiers – orthopedic complaints. The 68W Combat Medic should have a basic understanding of how to recognize and diagnose, as well as treat injuries. The medic can further expand skillsets to be able to handle smaller things atContinue reading “ADTMC- MUSCULOSKELETAL”

ADTMC – Dermatology

Dermatology concepts are difficult for everyone. It takes a lot of exposure and experience to be able to differentiate. However, this post will attempt to provide a place to return when review is necessary. This lesson will likely take at least 60 minutes to complete, but it may be split up and accomplished over timeContinue reading “ADTMC – Dermatology”

Shoulder Dislocations

Ever wonder how to reduce a shoulder? Maybe you’re down range and you need to do a shoulder reduction without being able to evacuate the patient- this is for you. Come back to this page and review the video if you’re about to try it downrange. Don’t do this in urban America where Emergency RoomsContinue reading “Shoulder Dislocations”

Ankle Rehab

If you find yourself with an ankle sprain and it is situationally difficult to get to a physical therapist, try these ankle rehab exercises for the first few days. I was fortunate to receive these cheat sheets from my physical therapy friends. I now give these sheets out to Soldiers when they get hurt overContinue reading “Ankle Rehab”

Forearm Injuries

When thinking about open wounds to the forearm or even open fractures, do you use Kerlix? Do you understand the risks of wrapping it circumferentially? Watch this video to learn more! Not everything about this video is perfect, but the point is to not create more problems by creating a compartment syndrome. The secondary pointContinue reading “Forearm Injuries”