Achilles Tendonitis

A common injury in Ranger School, or in a Pre-Ranger course, is Achilles Tendonitis. It is an overuse injury. Achilles Tendonitis is minor annoying pain of the achilles tendon and can often be treated with some stretches and exercises. This post will elaborate on that topic.

In the acute phase as it starts hurting, the only real options are NSAIDs, Ice, rest, possibly foam rolling, and stretches. First, we must try to rule out a rupture by performing the Thompson Test. The two videos below will discuss the special tests to perform, as well as some other knowledge on the topic.

Once rupture is ruled out, we can consider some rehabilitation exercises. The eccentric achilles tendon exercise on the second video has been around since the mid 1980s, and has some data to support its efficacy. I’ve heard it said that a surgeon originally discovered this technique serendipitously when he experienced tendonitis. The surgeon was actually attempting to rupture his achilles tendon so that he could obtain surgery sooner in his country of socialized medicine, and discovered the eccentric exercises worked! I give these exercises out to all of my patients with tendonitis. Check out these videos below to learn more about rehab and stretching of the achilles tendon.

Extra Info on Achilles Tendonitis on OrthoBullets.Com

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Published by Medic Mentor

An Army PA seeking to share knowledge and skills to medics in order to better prepare them for the next fight, and to bridge the gap between future expectations and initial entry training. These posts are samples of similar training I share with my own medics, and are made available here to a wider audience. I am no expert. There are others more qualified, I'm sure. I am simply looking to contribute. Feel free to provide feedback and leave comments to help others.

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